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Amateur Radio Info & Exams - Posters

These posters advertise Amateur Radio, and are suitable for hanging in schools, community halls, workplace noticeboards, community notice boards, and a window at your friendly local radio or electronics store, etc.

They are designed to be printed at A3, but should work at A4 or A2. American sizes such as 11"x17" or Letter are also suitable.

To view and print the PDF click on the image, or use the first link below. The "Download" beside it forces download for later printing. All these use an alternative download site, which should be much faster.

The final link on each is a back-up from the server these pages are on, and you can just click this to view, or Right-click and "Save link as..." to keep it.

Amateur Radio isn't Rocket Science Amateur Radio is Outta this World
Amateur Radio isn't Rocket Science - Download Amateur Radio is Outta this World - Download
Back-up local link Back-up local link
Amateur Radio is Outta this World Amateur Radio isn't Just for Fun!
Amateur Radio is Out of this World - Download Amateur Radio isn't Just for Fun! - Download
Back-up local link Back-up local link

The ARRL also have a range of posters, which inspired these, and can be downloaded here.

Written by Julian Sortland, VK2YJS & AG6LE, February 2018.

Tip Jar: a Jefferson (US$2), A$3 or other amount / currency. Thanks!